it operations | TechWell

it operations

User Participation is Essential to Diagnosis and Problem Solving User Participation Is Essential to Diagnosis and Problem Solving

The role of IT professionals is to help users get the most value from their systems. If IT systems aren’t working efficiently or correctly, it isn’t just an “IT Problem” and the nice folks in IT can’t solve it effectively without user participation.

Payson Hall's picture
Payson Hall
API Security, PII, and Healthcare API Security, PII, and Healthcare

In this article, we examine the importance of API security in the healthcare sector, sharing best practices to ensure personally identifiable information (PII) of users and patients is protected.

Ali Cameron's picture
Ali Cameron
Records Management Why You Should Automate Compliance

Compliance policy is one of those things most employees find boring and useless. However, for employers, staying compliant is one of the most crucial tasks and can have serious legal and financial repercussions if not done properly. But how can you make following compliance policy easier for your employees?

Alex Morgan's picture
Alex Morgan
SecOps team member touching a security icon on a screen 5 SecOps Challenges and How to Overcome Them

SecOps, or security operations, is a collaboration between information security and IT operations to keep a company’s data secure and reduce risk, all while maintaining agile timelines. But it can be difficult to start. Here are five challenges you should address to ensure your SecOps implementation is successful.

Gilad David Maayan's picture
Gilad David Maayan
DevOps diagram: Dev, Ops, and QA The Changing Role of Testing in DevOps

Testing is just as important as ever, but with DevOps, who does the testing and how it is done are changing. Testing has become the responsibility of everyone along the software development lifecycle, and automation is key to success. Learn how testers should elevate their skills and shift their QA mindsets.

Sunil Sehgal's picture
Sunil Sehgal
When It Comes to DevOps, You Have to Start Small

It’s never easy instituing a new methodology or practice into your team. If you want DevOps to be a major focus in order to improve communication and collaboration between development and operations, you can’t just make that happen with the wave of a wand and a couple of key buzzwords.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
Container-Based Deployments and the Future of IT Operations

Container-based deployments have become the preferred approach for managing the build and release of complex applications. Many of the tasks handled by IT operations today may not be necessary in the world of containers. Will Ops continue in its current role, or will it need to evolve with the new challenges?

Bob Aiello's picture
Bob Aiello
Creating Effective Processes to Deliver Quality Software

Delivering complex systems depends on software processes that guide the work on a daily basis. Much has been written about the evils of verbose waterfall processes, but the truth is that not having enough process also makes it impossible to deliver enterprise software without making many mistakes.

Bob Aiello's picture
Bob Aiello