software engineering | TechWell

software engineering

Machines and Humans: Finding the Balance in Software Development Machines and Humans: Finding the Balance in Software Development

The rise of AI in software development brings efficiency and innovation, but raises concerns about maintaining a human-centered approach. The key is to find a balance where AI tackles repetitive tasks, freeing up human developers to focus on creativity, empathy, and user-centric design.

Jess Brock's picture
Jess Brock
Choosing a Java Version How to Choose the Right Java Version for Your Needs

Choosing the right Java version can be tricky. This article explores key factors like supported versions, environment, purpose, bundled options, and recommended updates to guide your decision.

Deepak Vohra's picture
Deepak Vohra
Overcoming Challenges in a Complex Software Development Project: A Case Study Overcoming Challenges in a Complex Software Development Project: A Case Study

In this case study, we explore the unique challenges faced by a team tasked with developing a complex software product using Agile methodology, discussing the solutions they applied to overcome these challenges and successfully deliver the product.

Nick Karlsson's picture
Nick Karlsson
How to Achieve More Predictable Software Delivery Outcomes How to Achieve More Predictable Software Delivery Outcomes

By cultivating predictability within the engineering team and using data to set expectations across the organization, engineering managers can establish themselves as leaders and play a bigger role in strategic decision-making.

Jeremy Freeman's picture
Jeremy Freeman
telescope Java 20 Brings Scoped Values to Core-Libs

Each new version of Java brings new features for its different components: specification/language, core libs, and the JVM. In this article, we will explore the scoped values feature in the core-libs component.

Deepak Vohra's picture
Deepak Vohra
4 Questions to Audit API Security 4 Questions to Audit API Security

In the first half of 2021, API attacks had increased by 348%. With the proliferation of APIs, we have every reason to plan for an increase in the number and complexity of attacks. This questioning to API security provides lines of inquiry that lead to a better understanding of how APIs fit into security and business.

Ross Moore's picture
Ross Moore
Java 18 Introduces Simple Web Server

Typically, if you want to serve even a simple HTML file you would need to start an HTTP Server. Java 18 adds a minimal out-of-the-box HTTP Server that doesn't require configuration and setup.

Deepak Vohra's picture
Deepak Vohra
New Non-Language Features in Java 17 New Non-Language Features in Java 17

Java 17, the latest Long Term Support (LTS) version, has added new non-language features such as pseudo-random number generators.

Deepak Vohra's picture
Deepak Vohra