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Part of the Pipeline: Why Continuous Testing Is Essential

With the DevOps movement and push for continuous delivery, the way we have done test automation in the past must evolve. In continuous testing, tests are run as part the build pipeline so that every check-in and deployment is validated. Learn more to ensure your team can achieve continuous testing.

Adam Auerbach's picture
The Security Risks of the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is making life easier, but is it making it more secure? If you take into account that hackers can remotely control Chrysler automobiles that are connected to a network, the answer seems to be no. If this is where our world is headed, how should we think about security now?

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Why Automation Will Never Replace Manual Testing

Manual testers are experts at the unexpected, while automation is all about predictability. Automation won’t replace manual testing, but neither will manual testing replace automation. Linda Hayes writes that once the difference between them is understood, the fear of automation dissolves.

Linda Hayes's picture
"What Is Code?" How I Explain What I Do

As software engineering professionals, we each have a role in educating everyone in our circle of influence about just what software is and how critical it is to our everyday lives. Mike Sowers explains how you can answer the question "What is code?" without making your listeners sorry they asked!

Michael Sowers's picture
A Win-Win versus a Win-Lose Approach to Conflict

Too often when people address a conflict, they take an I-win-you-lose approach. That distracts from focusing on opportunities for agreement and can make ongoing relationships difficult. When people have to work together, the wise approach is one that serves the best interests of both parties.

Naomi Karten's picture
Is It Possible to Stay Ahead of Technology Shifts?

Staying ahead of technology shifts is one of the key challenges that organizations face, but is it possible to always stay ahead? Anuj Magazine highlights how some of the top companies have succeeded and failed to stay ahead of technology shifts, including Microsoft, Cisco, Nokia, Apple, and Google.

Anuj Magazine's picture
Can Google Glass Help Those with Autism?

Brain Power, a Cambridge start-up, is attempting to use Google Glass to help those on the autism spectrum who may have difficulty learning and interacting, including social interactions, speech delays, learning to control certain behaviors, and help with recognizing and forming abstract groupings.

Pamela Rentz's picture
Ignore the Data at Your Own Risk

At work, the evidence of something worth paying attention to is often front and center, and yet we dismiss it. If you ignore the data—negative survey results, team member absences, an increase in bugs, stakeholders who repeatedly miss meetings, etc.—you could be overlooking signs of trouble.

Naomi Karten's picture