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Graphic showing various connected devices in the internet of things Top IoT Trends to Expect in 2019

The internet of things is redefining consumer experience, and more companies are investing in it to meet the demands of their clients. It seems like soon, anything that can be connected will be connected. As we look ahead to next year, here are some of the top IoT trends to expect in 2019.

Ana Farr's picture
Ana Farr
kids dance party 2018 Hour of Code: Let’s Dance

What kid doesn’t love a dance party? With aliens and sharks that drop, double down, and dab? Introduce kids to the basics of computer science in a way that doesn’t elicit “I’m boooored” with Dance Party, the draw for the 2018 Hour of Code. Do a little dance, make a little code!

Pamela Rentz's picture
Pamela Rentz
Test pyramid 5 Reasons You Should Have More Unit Tests

The test pyramid is a valuable visual in agile. In particular, it argues that unit tests should make up the majority of tests, and while agile teams recite this principle, it is often not clear why it is so important. Here are five reasons unit tests should make up the majority of tests written for an application.

Jeffery Payne's picture
Jeffery Payne
A feature branching strategy Feature Branching Is Not Evil

Some people believe branching and pull requests are inherently bad. True, branching done poorly can slow down a team, but advocating for avoiding branching altogether can lead you to ignore the more important goal of an agile process: rapid integration of changes. First, make sure you're considering the right metrics.

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk
Tombstones in a graveyard The Premortem: Planning for Failure

While a postmortem, or retrospective, is done after a project is completed, a premortem is done before the project starts as a way to imagine that the project failed and to explore what went wrong. You list every possible thing that can go wrong, then devise solutions to the most probable risks—before you need them.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Stack of books on a table 5 Books to Spark Fresh Ideas in Software

A significant part of remaining relevant in the software industry is keeping up with development and testing trends. But organizations don’t always have a big training budget, so sometimes it falls to us to manage our own continuing education. Luckily, that can be as easy as discovering fresh ideas in a new book.

Owen Gotimer's picture
Owen Gotimer
For The Web logo Is It Time to Stand Up for the Web?

Does the Web need fixing? Widely acknowledged as the creator of the World Wide Web back in 1994 and the current Director of the World Wide Web Consortium on web standards, Tim Berners-Lee launched #ForTheWeb to help resolve what the organization views as current risks and future challenges.

Pamela Rentz's picture
Pamela Rentz
View from above of five coworkers fist-bumping over their computers 4 Ways to Increase Software Quality and Decrease Test Time

Software testers are continually under pressure to test faster without sacrificing quality. By taking the perspective that quality is the responsibility of the entire team, not just the testers, shorter test cycles with higher quality software are possible. Here are four ways the whole team can improve releases.

Richard Estra's picture
Richard Estra