Google's Android App Bundle Is a Win for Developers and Users | TechWell

Google's Android App Bundle Is a Win for Developers and Users

Android phone showing apps

Google’s new Android App Bundle is its official publishing format that offers a more efficient way for Android developers to build and release apps.

It empowers the Google Play app store to distribute lean application APKs (Android Package Kits) that are optimized for each device configuration, all without having to refactor code. This means engineers need to code less in order to publish an app in the Play store, and users are also happy to get a smaller app download. 

The most stressful task of an Android designer is probably dealing with the appropriation of an application uniformly on all gadgets over the globe. There are worries about assets, screen thickness, CPU engineering, dialects across the board, and so forth. 

In the current situation, there are various APK records and a wide range of assets for the application's objective gadgets, which fulfill the majority of the application's necessities and must be produced for it to run flawlessly and effectively. 

Google has tended to this issue in its Android App Bundle design. This new arrangement is fundamentally the same in code as the APK; however, it varies when you sign in and transfer it to Google Play.

The enhancement of the App Bundle happens when a user approaches the Play Store to download the application. Google Play investigates the necessities for the user’s device and gives only the assets expected for the smooth execution of the application on that gadget. Developers can also use dynamic feature modules to define what feature modules and resources users download when they install your application.

This means designers are able to easily construct different APKs for use on various devices, while the user benefits by getting a smaller estimated APK, sparing device storage room and information use. This is a win-win for everybody.

The best part is the developers do not have to create each APK themselves. The APKs are created by Google Play, with just the required assets for the objective device. Additionally, Google enables the designer to add dynamic highlights and modules to the application utilizing the App Bundle. This implies users can download diverse modules of an application, according to their necessities.

Android conveys the APK with the required assets utilizing what is known as the split APK mechanism. This is accessible for devices running the Android Lollipop operating system and higher adaptations. Google Play utilizes this mechanism to part a substantial application into smaller APKs, according to the each device's necessities.

There are three types of APKs: the base APK, the configuration APK, and the dynamic element APK. 

The configuration APK is produced by Google Play from the App Bundle and is transferred to the store. It naturally allocates the assets, such as CPU engineering and dialect, from the arrangement of code given.

To utilize the Android App Bundle and transfer it to the Google Play store, select the Generate Signed Bundle/APK(s) choice from the Build menu. Android App Bundles have the file extension .aab. After you’ve created your Android App Bundle, you can test how Google Play will generate the respective APKs when deployed to a device.

Then all that’s left to do is give your users a smaller, dynamic, optimized download for their device.

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