communication skills | TechWell

communication skills

Why It's OK to Occasionally Say "Um" or "Uh"

Filler words are a natural part of human speech. In informal conversation, people tend not to even notice them as long as they’re not excessive. Naomi Karten explains how the occasional "um" and "uh" are natural, human, and part of everyday life.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Three Ways to Talk When You Are Listening

We know listening is important. Typically, it’s what our stakeholders have to share that we most need to hear when eliciting and validating scope or requirements. At the same time, as business analysts, we cannot be passive flies on the wall.

Laura Brandenburg's picture
Laura Brandenburg
Eight Flubs and Flaws to Avoid When Presenting a Web Seminar

So many web seminars, so little time. Yet as relevant and high content as many web seminars are, some are more professionally presented than others. If you present web seminars, or hope to some day, here are eight annoying flubs and flaws—and how to avoid them.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
How Team Norms Can Boost Team Effectiveness

Team norms—sometimes known as ground rules—revolve around how members of a team will interact, communicate, and conduct themselves as team members. Norm setting gives team members an opportunity to express what's important to them, thus boosting team effectiveness.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
How Your Brain Tricks You

Much as we might resist the notion, we’re not as aware of what’s going on around us as we may think. And as far as our brains are concerned, that’s just the way it ought to be. Naomi Karten explains how our brains play tricks on us.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Ideas for Eliciting Examples and Specifications

In the past few weeks, I’ve been looking for ways to apply the techniques of pull conversations to getting specifications from our customers. Pull conversation techniques advise us to let go of our own assumptions and judgments and to try to put ourselves into our stakeholders’ world.

Lisa Crispin's picture
Lisa Crispin