ebay | TechWell


The Internet Bleeds Again: eBay Hack Confirmed

Last week, it was rumored that eBay’s corporate network was hacked. Later in the week, eBay confirmed the attack. The security breach, which could affect 150 million active users, leads to more speculation on how safe the Internet actually is, especially in the aftermath of the Heartbleed bug.

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture
Cameron Philipp...
Google Fine-Tunes Mobile App Advertising, While Others Jump Ship

Google and Facebook need mobile app advertising dollars to begin rolling in, and each company is taking its own measures to increase those figures in the coming year. How are other companies addressing the issue? Noel Wurst takes a closer look in this story.

Noel Wurst's picture
Noel Wurst
Black Friday Fatigue? Load Testing Can Save Your Cyber Monday

More shoppers turned online, and to their mobile devices, to find holiday deals this Black Friday than in any previous year. As the number of people growing weary of the enormous crowds and long lines grows, will online retailers be able to handle the load of online and mobile app shopping?

Noel Wurst's picture
Noel Wurst
Making the Environment Pay for the Internet

The world's largest companies have built massive data centers that use—and waste—an unbelievable amount of electricity. What steps are being taken to reduce the energy usage of these companies without disrupting the constant service that we've all come to rely on?

Noel Wurst's picture
Noel Wurst