email | TechWell


Email icon showing 99 unread messages How to Slim Down Your Bloated Email Inbox

If you're spending too much time checking and answering your email—and frankly, who doesn't feel that way—you may just need to revamp your email routine. Here are some techniques for getting a handle on your messages, including better prioritization and categorization. You may even get to the coveted inbox zero.

Beth Romanik's picture
Beth Romanik
Full inbox of unopened emails Advice for When People Don’t Respond to Your Email

There are many valid reasons a person may not respond to your email, but even knowing that, it's hard not to be curious or confused, or to take it personally. Read on for tips on how to improve the odds of hearing back from busy people, as well as advice for sending a follow-up message without being confrontational.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Smartphone receiving emails Striking a Balance with After-Hours Email

The best way for employees to recharge themselves after a workday is to detach both mentally and physically from work. Unfortunately, after-hours email has made that detachment impossible for many. Still, you don't have to give up work-life balance. Try imposing some limitations on after-hours communication.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Leverage Emails as Your Ambassadors

We are often communicating with people we have never met in person. In these cases especially, it's important for our emails to convey accuracy, transparency, tactfulness, and preciseness. It can help if every time you hit Send, you think of that email as an “ambassador” going out on your behalf.

Mukesh Sharma's picture
Mukesh Sharma
Are Enhancements to Email Products Worth the Effort?

For years we have heard some version of the now almost clichéd phrase "Email is dead." However, the need for having an email account has barely diminished. Recently many tech companies have been investing in making the email experience better than what it has been traditionally.

Anuj Magazine's picture
Anuj Magazine
How to Get People to Read Your Email

Busy people—and even those who are not so busy—lack the patience to wade through endless emails, so you have to be clear, concise, and considerate if you want yours to be read. There are many ways you can communicate more easily and effectively, and Naomi Karten compiles some good ideas here.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
The Right (and Wrong) Ways to Handle Email When You're on Vacation

When you're on vacation, it's nice to actually be on vacation—that is, not checking your email every few minutes. Most people use an email auto-responder to alert people that they’re away and won't respond immediately. However, there is a subtle art to crafting that away message. Read on for tips.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Email: Does It Help or Hinder Your Work Productivity?

The invention of email was supposed to make communication and your life easier, but it can become disruptive to your work productivity. Read on for four easy and surefire ways to make email more efficient and your communication more effective—and to carve more time back into your workday.

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture
Cameron Philipp...