firefox | TechWell


Is Firefox Mobile OS Good for Developers and Testers?

Firefox’s new mobile OS is set to debut in July. Developers seem eager to get their hands on the new system. Will it become a mainstay in the mobile world? uTest's Ryan Arsenault looks at Firefox's odds of success when competing against iOS, Android, and BlackBerry.

Ryan Arsenault's picture
Ryan Arsenault
How Windows 8 Affects Software Testing

The Windows 8 changes that will most affect software testers are the visual updates. Software testers will have to ensure that the program under test works both in the tile system and in the desktop environment, which many people will probably still use.

Brendan Quinn's picture
Brendan Quinn
Testing Tips for Launching a Successful Windows 8 App

There’s a new platform in consumers’ hands. Are you sure your applications and websites are ready?

Mike Brown's picture
Mike Brown
The Bugs They Wouldn't Fix Are Breaking the Internet

Zero-day bugs or exploits remain very common, and nearly every major vendor has reported them at various times. Because of security vulnerabilities, we are seeing a thriving black market for bugs, competitions to discover new exploits, and a growing need for security testing.

Erik Petersen's picture
Erik Petersen
How to Test Mobile Websites

In today’s marketplace you absolutely will lose visitors if your website doesn’t have a mobile version. Here are some quick tips and tools to help you create the perfect mobile-optimized website.

Jamie Saine's picture
Jamie Saine