google glass | TechWell

google glass

Is Touchscreen Technology Already in the Past?

It seems like only yesterday that we were clamoring for touchscreen technology in all of our devices. RIM certainly understands this, but "yesterday" in the computer world is just that. The past. Developers today are working through some amazing inventions to eliminate the need to touch anything.

Noel Wurst's picture
Noel Wurst
Google Goes High Tech at New York Fashion Week

Google recently introduced its latest technology product, Google Glass, at New York Fashion Week. The reviews are now in for this wearable computing and augmented reality glasses technology that Google hopes we will be wearing in the form of half-glasses next year.

Pamela Rentz's picture
Pamela Rentz
Google Software News Roundup

Google's had a busy week announcing new Android software features and Google Glasses as well as taking part in a software mentorship program for high school girls.

Jonathan Vanian's picture
Jonathan Vanian