job hunting | TechWell

job hunting

Woman putting her head down on her laptop in frustration How to Decide whether to Quit Your Job

Some people are happy with their jobs and know they want to keep them. Others are clear that they want to quit. What's difficult is when the decision to quit or stay is a tough one. The important thing in making that choice is to be sure you’ve examined the issue as objectively as you can from different viewpoints.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Person sending their resume in a paper airplane How Creative Would You Get to Land a Job Interview?

In order to be invited for a job interview, some people have done things like sending a lottery ticket, doing a back flip into the room, and writing a resume on a bar of chocolate! But before you go the creative route, it's important to tailor your approach to the prospective employer. You don't want to be gimmicky.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Woman sitting in a job interview What Else Should I Be Asking You, and Other Job Interview Questions

It can be tricky to know just what you should be asking a candidate during a job interview, even if you know about the position and its requirements. Try making a list of potential questions, allowing enough flexibility to choose in the moment and as the candidate’s responses warrant. Here's what should be on it.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Job candidate looking at code on a computer screen, photo by Fatos Bytyqi 4 Ways to Verify Developers’ Skills for a Job Interview

Developers often struggle to convey their skills effectively during a job interview, making it difficult to assess their capability. But you want assurance that a candidate who has an impressive CV actually has the practical abilities you need. Here are four ways of verifying developer applicants’ skills.

Edward Mellett's picture
Edward Mellett
A computer with a draft of a resume on the screen, photo by Bram Naus 4 Tips for Writing an Awesome Developer Resume

When you’re hunting for jobs, one of the most time-consuming things you have to do is create a resume. As a developer, you often fall into one of two categories: You either have too much experience to put on one page, or you have too little. But just as with coding, writing an effective resume is a matter of skill.

Grace Carter's picture
Grace Carter
Police officer in uniform saluting Good Cop, Bad Cop: How to Evaluate a Company’s Culture before Accepting a Job

In a job interview, you learn a fair amount about the job you’re applying for. But it’s much harder to learn about the corporate culture so as to determine if the organization is a place you want to work. Try using a "good cop, bad cop" routine when asking questions to find out if the new environment is a good fit.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
People shaking hands at a job interview What to Say (and Not Say) in a Job Interview

The interview can strongly influence whether you get the job you’re seeking. It’s not just what you say in responding to interview questions that’s important; it’s how you say it. And maybe even more important than things you should say is steering clear of things you shouldn’t say. Here are some points to consider.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
"Find a job" keyboard button Thinking of Changing Jobs? Consider These Points First

There are certainly valid reasons to look for a new job. In fact, it may be that you can achieve some of your career goals only by switching jobs. But in considering the right and wrong reasons for changing jobs, it’s important not to see the current job as no good and some unknown future job as the “perfect solution.”

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten