legacy systems | TechWell

legacy systems

Risk management checklist A Checklist for Managing Go-Live Decisions and Risks

If you have to replace a complex existing data system in production, decisions about when and whether to go live should be treated with gravity and care. One process that can help keep you honest is developing checklists that describe very clearly what is expected to be accomplished and verified at each milestone.

Payson Hall's picture
Payson Hall
Computer with a "Retired!" sign Think through System Changes to Anticipate Quality Issues

When you replace or significantly modify components of a larger system, too frequently we focus on whether the code we are building functions correctly. This is important, but it’s also short-sighted. It’s easy to introduce errors because we are changing interactions. Coding bugs are only one quality problem.

Payson Hall's picture
Payson Hall
Computer with "Retired!" sign 7 Good Project Management Practices for Replacing a Legacy System

When you need to replace a legacy system quickly, it’s tempting to set aside good project management practices and push forward recklessly. But doing so results in delays, cost overrun, and organizational chaos. Take time to understand the problem, plan and estimate the solution, and set up your project for success.

Payson Hall's picture
Payson Hall
Computer detective Investigating Interface Architecture in Legacy Systems

Programmers working with legacy systems often seek to understand how the program is designed, but that's not enough. When trying to understand legacy systems, special care must be taken to also explore, identify, and take inventory of interfaces, which can be integral to the entire system architecture.

Payson Hall's picture
Payson Hall
The Importance of Consistent Business Rules

Often organizations have multiple information systems with different systems performing different functions. Adrian Reed highlights the importance and benefits of applying common business rules where there are multiple systems.

Adrian Reed's picture
Adrian Reed