organizational structure | TechWell

organizational structure

Hierarchy Don’t Abolish Hierarchies—Change Them

Hierarchies often get a bad rap, and that’s understandable. Bad hierarchies can increase bureaucracy and get in the way of getting work done. But when done correctly, good hierarchies can streamline processes and provide organizations with some much-needed structure. You just need to rethink how hierarchies can work.

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk
Understanding Effective Organizational Politics

Many people say, “I refuse to participate in politics,” perhaps imagining they are above the fray. You can still choose to be honest, ethical, and reasonable in your approach to politics. But if you choose not to participate, then you and your slice of the organization will lose to those who do.

Payson Hall's picture
Payson Hall
How Office Space Affects Team Member Collaboration

Steve Berczuk discusses how the physical structure of an organization can contribute to the way team members interact with each other. Physical office space plays an important organizational role, with much being written about the merits of open-space versus closed-space offices.

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk
Will Microsoft’s Reorganization Achieve Its Objectives?

Microsoft recently announced a massive reorganization to enable innovation at a greater efficiency. The move is being branded as the One Microsoft initiative toward the unification of their strategy. Anuj Magazine looks at the company's past and future organizational structure.

Anuj Magazine's picture
Anuj Magazine