public speaking | TechWell

public speaking

Microphone To Sound Intelligent and Articulate, Enunciate as You Speak

If people have to guess what you’re saying, they may discount even your best ideas. If you can’t tell whether you’re pronouncing and enunciating your words well, record your presentation practice sessions or read a few paragraphs from a book to monitor the clarity of your speech. Your listeners will thank you.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Woman at a podium giving a presentation How to Manage a Challenging Audience When You’re Giving a Presentation

Most audiences will be courteous when you’re giving a presentation. But it can be a challenge to face customers, senior managers, or even coworkers who persistently disagree with you, constantly interrupt you, treat you rudely, or otherwise disrupt your presentation. Here are some ways to cope without losing your cool.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Speaking Too Fast or Too Slow? Speaking to Get Your Idea Across

It's interesting how people speak at different rates, and there are lots of reasons for that, such as culture, upbringing, preference, and just the way we're wired. At work, what's important is that if you speak too fast or too slow relative to what's normal in your environment, you may unknowingly be annoying people.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
5 Ways to Have More Impact When You Talk

Whether proposing ideas at a meeting, talking with team members, or giving a formal presentation, certain ways of speaking can be annoying to listeners and, ultimately, water down your message. To have more impact when you talk and make your ideas really shine, avoid these five common bad habits.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
The Best Advice for Not Giving a Boring Presentation

Presentation flaws can turn off your listeners. Eliminating content you view as boring, presenting with enthusiasm, minimizing the use of text, and not reading your slides verbatim can make all the difference between whether your audience enjoys your presentation or spends the time nodding off.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
The Benefits of Public Speaking for Testers

If you're a tester and you've been avoiding public speaking opportunities because you don't think it applies to your work, you don't know what you would talk about, or you're just nervous to present in front of people, you should change your mind. Public speaking has several benefits for testers.

Mukesh Sharma's picture
Mukesh Sharma
Handle Audience Questions Effectively in Your Next Presentation

One of the biggest presentation fears many professionals have is being unable to answer questions from the audience. But with some practice beforehand, you may find that addressing questions is one of the most energizing parts of presenting. Read these tips to get yourself prepared for your Q&A.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten