workplace | TechWell


People working in an office Designing an Office to Nurture Innovative Agile Development Teams

Agile software development is a collaborative activity in many ways, but it also requires quiet time. While open office spaces foster communication and collaboration, it's still important for a workspace to have areas where people can buckle down and work. What is the best office configuration to nurture innovation?

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk
open workplace The Importance of a Dynamic and Open Culture in the Workplace

A culture that is carefully built and nurtured in an organization is key to its long term success. While there is no right or wrong answer to which culture should be fostered, a culture that is open and dynamic goes a long way in connecting with employees and fostering a rapport with them.

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture
Rajini Padmanaban
Office Space: What Arrangement Is Right for Your Workplace?

Regardless of your office has a different configuration—be it a cubicle farm, open space, some configuration of offices, or a mix—it is likely that not everyone will be happy. While it's tempting to just shrug off these discussions, thinking about office layout is important for a number of reasons.

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk
What Companies Can Learn from Google’s Workplace Bias Training

Google is one of many tech companies called out for a lack of diversity in their workforce. To change their company mindset, Google is endeavoring to help employees change their unconscious biases. Pamela Rentz highlights what others can learn from Google's workplace bias training.

Pamela Rentz's picture
Pamela Rentz
Humility in the Workplace

Google recently shared a list of five hiring attributes that it deems important for its employees. Interestingly, one of the attributes is intellectual humility. Anuj Magazine examines humility in the workplace and looks at recent examples from Microsoft and Google.

Anuj Magazine's picture
Anuj Magazine
Enchant Your Employees and Attract New Talent

Working remotely, time off, and nice medical and dental benefits are common ways that companies attempt to lure new talent and retain their rock stars. But some tech companies are taking it a step further. Here are some great perks that companies are using to attract and retain their employees.

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture
Cameron Philipp...
The Subtle Issue of Dishonesty in the Workplace

Dishonesty in the workplace sounds like a straightforward topic. But the line between honesty and dishonesty—and what makes any of us honest or dishonest—is sometimes a little blurry. What about taking a pen from the supply cabinet? Is that dishonest (and, if so, might you yourself be a thief)?

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Some Companies Using Software to Monitor Their Employees

New reports coming out detail just how far companies have gone in using software that monitors their employees' behaviors—all in the name of productivity and safety. These new tools lead us to question which is more important—workplace efficiency or employee satisfaction?

Jonathan Vanian's picture
Jonathan Vanian