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Test Automation—A Non-Expert’s Perspective

Looking at automating test execution, there are two distinct areas of focus—testing at the technical level (component and technical integration) and testing at the functional level (system or acceptance). Dale Perry offers his view on each's requirements, focus, and the issues that can arise.

Dale Perry's picture
Why You Need Skilled Testers to Make Quality Products

A skilled tester isn’t a perfect tester. But a tester with the requisite skills, attitude, and drive to help improve quality throughout the development lifecycle can and will lead to a stronger product. And it’s these qualities that Judy McKay, the president of ASTQB, assigns to a skilled tester.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Multi-Station Testing with Actions—The Lead Deputy Model

Hans Buwalda shares a model used for multi-station testing with actions—the lead deputy model—and shows how actions can be used to make a relatively complex task like multi-station available at a business level where even non-technical users can easily understand the thought process.

Hans Buwalda's picture
When Is the Right Time to Transition to Agile?

There are numerous benefits that organizations may reap from an agile environment. The path to achieving these advantages will have some challenges, but there's nothing that can't be overcome with a little planning and answering the question: When is the right time to transition to agile?

Sanjay Zalavadia's picture
Attributes of Good Managers: Not Always What You Think

When we call someone a good manager, we’re reacting to just a few things about the person’s style or behavior that impress us. As a result, people differ in their views of what exactly makes a good manager. Depending on personal experiences, a boss you can't stand might be a great manager to someone else.

Naomi Karten's picture
The Value of Taking Breaks

Many people think breaks are a waste of time; if you keep working, they reason, you'll get more done. But what is the quality of that work? And how do you feel at the end of the day? Breaks are beneficial to you and to your work. You can refresh yourself, gain a new perspective, and evaluate what you've done.

Johanna Rothman's picture
Justifying Your DevOps Revolution

Want to adopt DevOps practices but your manager is more reluctant? DevOps is all about improving the way you communicate and collaborate, but sometimes management would prefer not to change the way things are done—especially when there’s cost involved. Here's how you could justify your own DevOps revolution.

Bob Aiello's picture
How Mobile Development and Testing Inform the Rest of the Industry

It’s critical to observe how the future is helping us better test and develop on what’s come before it. How have we taken the lessons learned from mobile development and retrofitted them to other facets of the industry, such as the web? There are three main lessons we’ve learned that apply.

Josiah Renaudin's picture