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A Simple Exercise to Strengthen Your Group

While engaged in the squabbles of the typical workday, it's sometimes hard to believe we're alike in any way at all. Yet, you and almost anyone else in your group have things in common that you don't know about because you haven't looked. Try finding what you and your group members have in common.

Naomi Karten's picture
The Challenge of Succeeding as a Leader

Given the demands that come with leadership, it can be difficult for anyone to succeed as a leader. But the task can be made easier by breaking down the role into promises, skills, qualities, and leadership style. Analyze what characteristics and goals you want to achieve and you're on your way.

Naomi Karten's picture
Consumer Technology Trends for 2015

The Consumer Electronics Show happens early in January every year and is a key event that in some ways defines the industry for the year ahead. This year was no exception, and a look at some of the stand-out products in the show indicates which consumer technologies will dominate the market.

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture
How Technology Is Changing the Entire Game of Football

Technology continues to make greater inroads in the world of sports, particularly football. Microsoft’s Surface tablet is being evaluated for use by the NFL to rewatch plays and review referees' calls in detail. But critics are saying technology may be intervening too much and ruining the game.

Mukesh Sharma's picture
Instead of Texting, Send a Hologram

At the recent Microsoft’s Windows 10 event, one of the more intriguing technology announcements was a head-mounted holographic computer: Microsoft HoloLens. According to Microsoft, the headset will let the wearer blend the digital world with the real world to conceptualize and share ideas.

Pamela Rentz's picture
Four Steps in Selecting the Right Tool for Accessibility Testing

One of the important phases in the accessibility testing lifecycle is identifying the right tool for doing the job. Standard evaluation methods make it easier to compare different tools and have a significant bearing on time, cost, and quality. Here are four steps to help in the selection process.

Anish Krishnan's picture
Avoid Predictable Staffing Mistakes in an Economic Recovery

An economic downturn puts pressure on management to control costs, and sometimes, not much can be done about that. But it's important not to carry these penny-pinching habits into a recovery. There are observable patterns to labor costs that can help predict problems likely to happen in 2015.

Payson Hall's picture
Thanks to Smarter Analytics, Big Data Will Be the Talk of 2015

Just because big data—which has become one of the most talked about buzzwords in the industry—hasn’t reached its full potential yet doesn’t mean it won’t. Better analytics and a greater understanding of the science behind big data will go far to make big data a much more prominent tool in 2015.

Josiah Renaudin's picture