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Beauty, Art, and Software

Thinking about connections between beauty, art, literature, and software may not seem as immediately useful as learning a new language or methodology, but doing so can help you be a better developer and designer by exposing you to different ways of thinking—or even improving how you think.

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk
Reconsidering User Stories

User stories, one of the most common agile techniques, are used by delivery teams to support their iterative planning efforts and are typically used to represent items in a backlog. Until recently there has been a general agreement about the form that user stories should take.

Kent J. McDonald's picture
Kent J. McDonald
How Device Fragmentation Affects App Developers

With new mobile phones and tablets hitting the market every month, it can be hard for developers to keep up. But think twice before you choose to neglect certain “unpopular” devices. Mobile device fragmentation poses bigger challenges than you realize.

Katherine Slattery's picture
Katherine Slattery
The Real Cost of Free Apps

While common sense tells us not to allow random strangers unrestricted access to our homes, that’s what we may inadvertently be doing when we download those free mobile apps. Pamela Rentz looks at the real cost of free apps—your personal data.

Pamela Rentz's picture
Pamela Rentz
Resilience and the Softer Side of Business Analysis

Business analysis is a wide and varied discipline that relies on the practitioner's honing and developing skills in a number of areas. Adrian Reed looks at an important business analysis attribute that is rarely talked about—resilience.

Adrian Reed's picture
Adrian Reed
Dealing with Stress at Work

Are you among the many who are finding the workplace mighty stressful? While percentages vary from one study to another, it’s clear that an awful lot of people feel stressed at work. Naomi Karten writes how to identify the factors causing stress at work and how to deal with them.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Five Best Practices Used to Create Agile IT in the Cloud

Top companies worldwide are seeing the benefits of expanding agile outside of software development, and into IT, and further across the enterprise. Nate Odell takes a look at the top five ways IT is becoming more agile through collaboration and the cloud.

Nate Odell's picture
Nate Odell
US Dominates Europe in Mobile Development Patent Race

The United States can claim bragging rights for the most mobile development patents filed anywhere in the world, but along with those patents comes a slew of lawsuits involving the world's largest manufacturers. Consumers may value quality over quantity, but few believe that's what they're getting.

Noel Wurst's picture
Noel Wurst