Software Development & Testing Insights | TechWell

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App Developers Needed in the Digital Public Library of America

The vision of the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) is to digitize America’s cultural heritage via their online portal containing metadata records to millions of archived materials. The DPLA has opened its virtual doors—with a special plea to app developers to work in the App Library section.

Pamela Rentz's picture
Pamela Rentz
Why Testers Need to Tune Out the Noise and Focus on Value

How do brand new testers—and experienced testers—make sense of their role in light of the myriad opinions about what testers are supposed to do? One simple way is this: Tune out the noise. Testers should use their own minds to focus on how people might obtain value from the program they’re testing.

Bonnie Bailey's picture
Bonnie Bailey
Free Mobile Device Testing Labs Add to Culture of Sharing

The excitement that comes with each new mobile device launch brings with it one more device for developers and testers to have to weigh the costs of running their mobile applications on, to make sure they're compatible. Could free, open device labs solve that problem? Maybe—if we all chip in.

Noel Wurst's picture
Noel Wurst
How Early Testing Can Build a Path to Success for Startups

Since startup investors are now wanting to see a physical product before deciding on funding, testing is becoming a more integral part of the startup process. Testing strategies can help to validate the business idea and verify a prototype, which will ultimately reassure potential investors.

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture
Rajini Padmanaban
Does Software Configuration Management Follow CM's Core Processes?

Joe Farah investigates whether or not software configuration management (SCM) follows the core principles of CM. The big difference in software shops and hardware shops is the level of automation in which the tools are responsible for ensuring the core processes reach “done.”

Joe Farah's picture
Joe Farah
Chat Apps Overtake SMS Messaging for the First Time Worldwide

Some popular chat apps have surpassed traditional SMS in the number of text messages received worldwide. Last year, for the first time more messages were sent with apps—such as WhatsApp and Viber, iMessage and BBM—than with regular texting. But will this be a disaster for mobile carriers?

Beth Romanik's picture
Beth Romanik
Cats vs. Cows—Which Cloud Do You Have?

If you are treating your private cloud like a pampered and spoiled pet cat that requires expensive care and feeding, then maybe it is time to start treating your cloud infrastructure more like a consumable commodity, like hamburgers—cheap, reliable, and interchangeable.

Beth Cohen's picture
Beth Cohen
The Value of Developer Testing in Software

Developer testing is a great way to improve the quality of your code and deliver more reliably. However, our intuitions about the relative value of testing are often wrong. Only by gaining experience writing tests will you be able to learn which tests really add value.

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk