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Becoming Part of the Tightknit Software Community

It's not always easy for a newbie starting off in the software industry—particularly when that person doesn't have a background in software! An SQE employee talks about her entry into the field by helping put on conferences about developing and testing, and how she came to learn and be accepted.

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TechWell Contributor
Texas Instruments's Plans to Power the Internet of Things

The advent of the Internet of Things basically means everything in the world is going to have software in it pretty soon. With all this software in our lives, we are faced with the new challenge of powering our tech-laden devices. Texas Instruments may have a solution: an ambient energy network.

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture
Cameron Philipp...
Aligning IT with the Business: The Age-Old Debate

The topic of IT–business alignment is a subject that has been discussed, debated, theorized, and proceduralized for decades. Why is it still a topic at all? Well, mainly because of differing beliefs about IT’s job function. How do you define the relationship between IT and the overall organization?

Eric Bloom's picture
Eric Bloom
Software Bugs We Don’t Want to See Repeated in 2015—or Ever Again

Security breaches happen, from Target to Sony, but sometimes it’s not malicious hackers causing pain points for consumers, society, and companies. Occasionally, bugs in the software are to blame. Here is a look at some of the more infamous software bugs that we hope don’t get repeated in 2015.

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture
Cameron Philipp...
A New Year’s Resolution for Testers: Let’s Innovate

With time and cost constraints and high product expectations, teams are having to innovate when it comes to how they think and operate. Testers play an important role in this drive, and not just a handful of them—with due diligence and effort, anyone can step into the innovation zone. Read on.

Mukesh Sharma's picture
Mukesh Sharma
Can Big Data Make HR Decisions More Objective?

It is apparent that internal operations at Google have a tremendous bias towards data, and the human resources function is no different in this regard. The emergence of big data in HR seems to be a trend that has the potential to revolutionize how people decisions are executed in organizations.

Anuj Magazine's picture
Anuj Magazine
When IT Falters, So Does the Company

Manual procedures are rarely used today. On the upside, computerization has dramatically increased employee productivity and reduced the cost of automation. On the downside, a company cannot run without it. This means that IT operations are crucial to company success—not just a necessary evil.

Eric Bloom's picture
Eric Bloom
If It’s Tuesday, It Must Be Time to Innovate

If you feel like you are getting stretched too thin at this time of year and just have too much to accomplish, Johanna Rothman understands. She has some suggestions that help her get back on track, including prioritizing the big things first, taking breaks, and not letting yourself stay stuck.

Johanna Rothman's picture
Johanna Rothman