Software Development & Testing Insights | TechWell

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Person typing at a typewriter A Goal to Get You Writing

NaNoWriMo—National Novel Writing Month—is a month off, but it’s not too soon to commit to participate. The goal is to write 50,000 words (about 175 pages) during November. That may seem crazy, but there's lots of guidance and support available online and in local writer chapters. Break through that writer's block!

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Agile team made of different people all bumping fists How Embracing Differences Makes More Robust Agile Teams

On any team, there are bound to be some differences. But even though work styles may differ from what you expect, they may not be problematic simply because they are different. Before making assumptions about what a teammate is doing or why, just ask to find out. Their differences may bring a helpful new perspective.

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk
A quality guild made up of software testers in the community Creating a Community of Testers

Many teams are divided by product or feature, with only one dedicated tester per team. How do you learn and grow in your career when you’re disconnected from your peers? One solution is to create your own community of testers that spans the organization. Here are some ideas to start and facilitate a Quality Guild.

Philip Daye's picture
Philip Daye
Infinity sign made with a sparkler Key Enablers for Continuous Testing

Continuous testing means testing before, during, and after each software change is made. Testers have long advocated for this, but DevOps has made it more popular by pushing for rapid feedback and shifting testing left in the lifecycle. Here are three practices your company should embrace to enable continuous testing.

Max Saperstone's picture
Max Saperstone
Test engineers analyzing data models Designing Data Models for Self-Documented Tests

When testing applications, documenting and interpreting test results can be a challenge. Data models enable us to collect and process test data more dynamically and uniformly. To design effective data models for self-documented tests, there are three important things to consider: what to document, collect, and report.

Mimi Balcom Meng's picture
Mimi Balcom Meng
Team member sending an email Stop Email Overload and Communicate Better

Many of us fire off correspondence to groups and distribution lists that include more recipients than necessary, and we overcommunicate without stopping to think about exactly what needs to be conveyed. Here are some ways organizations and teams can cope with the influx of information and communicate intentionally.

Richard Estra's picture
Richard Estra
Paper airplane changing course and flying higher than others Change Is Hard, but BDD Is Worth It

Behavior-driven development is a methodology change that impacts the whole team, and unfortunately, it’s not as easy as writing scenarios in a specific format. What is the added value of BDD? Why should the team throw their current process out the window and try to incorporate a new methodology? Here are some reasons.

Christine Fisher's picture
Christine Fisher
Product manager and development lead shaking hands Making the Product and Development Partnership Thrive

The product manager and the development lead partnering well together is a cornerstone of great product teams. The behavior they exhibit sets the standard for how the team cooperates, connects, and thrives. One great way to do this is getting closer to your customer. Here’s how this advice works with both protagonists.

Vidya Dinamani's picture
Vidya Dinamani