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Looking upward at the sky from a silo in the ground DevOps in the Trenches: Get Started with Metrics

DevOps initiatives often start with one silo seeking to be more collaborative with others. This "DevOps in the trenches" isn't ideal, but it is a way to get DevOps bootstrapped and begin seeing benefits. Here are some tips for how to get started doing DevOps based on what role you're in, with key metrics to help.

Jeffery Payne's picture
Jeffery Payne
A person sketching on a notepad while looking at designs on a laptop Fueling Innovation through Design Thinking

Organizations must embrace new technologies in their product engineering efforts to stay ahead of the curve. But there is another quality that will be key this decade to giving product teams a proactive advantage: design. Design thinking should be embraced not just by designers, but by everyone involved with a product.

Bharathan Venkateswaran's picture
Bharathan Venka...
Agile team member drawing out a process on a whiteboard Good Process, Bad Process

“Process” is a word that seems to have a lot of baggage. Depending on whom you ask, process is either essential to delivering value, or something that gets in the way. But this is the wrong way to frame the issue. A process is not inherently good or bad; it's how you use it, and whether it's right for your situation.

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk
Shipping storage containers Choosing Volumes for Kubernetes Storage

For data storage with Kubernetes, pod-based storage is not persistent, so external storage is necessary. A volume is a directory that is accessible to all containers in the pod, and it exists as long as the pod exists. Several types of volumes are supported, so let's explore some of these Kubernetes storage options.

Deepak Vohra's picture
Deepak Vohra
Walk/don't walk street sign Stop Releasing Untested Defect Fixes into Production

Releasing untested defect fixes into production is a real possibility. Being aware of how this can occur may help reduce the possibility of it happening. Let’s explore the common reasons defect fixes go untested—insufficient testing or resources, and undocumented fixes—as well as the steps we can take to prevent them.

Richard Estra's picture
Richard Estra
Janna Loeffler Testing in a Modern World: A Slack Takeover with Janna Loeffler

Thought leaders from the software community are taking over the TechWell Hub to answer questions and engage in conversations. Janna Loeffler, QE manager for Ultimate Software, hosted this Slack takeover and discussed all things testing, how the role of a tester is shifting, and navigating a career as a woman in tech.

Kelly McGee's picture
Kelly McGee
Colored blurred web scripts on a screen Machine Learning and Deep Learning: What's the Difference?

Many people think that machine learning and deep learning are each just a fancy way to say artificial intelligence, but that is a misconception. Both terms represent subsets of AI technology, but they are different, and their differences dictate the functionality and application of these two software solutions.

Alice Jones's picture
Alice Jones
Question mark drawn on a chalkboard To Be a Better Tester, Ask the Right Questions

Critical thinking is a core trait a software tester needs to succeed, and asking questions is a great skill to help. Questioning brings out the required information, breaks assumptions, and enables everyone on the team to give their perspectives. But there's an art to asking the right question at the right time.

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture
Rajini Padmanaban