About Us | TechWell

TechWell Corp.'s hands-on experience and training expertise helps companies, large and small, to improve their processes, gain measurable control over software projects, and deliver better software. With an experienced team of associates, field-proven methodologies, an array of international conferences, training courses, consulting services, and specialized publication and research, TechWell Corp. is a trusted resource of many of the Fortune 1000.

Meet the Team

Alison Wade
President - TechWell

Stasi Richmond
VP Marketing and Client Support

Jason Hausman

Jason Hausman
Sr. IT Operations Engineer

Rachelle Sawal
Conference Manager

Harry Gagnon

Harry Gagnon
Marketing Specialist

Sarah Crocker
Training Events Manager

Jennie Jariel

Jennie Jariel
Graphic Designer

Stephanie Fender

Stephanie Fender
Senior Training Sales Manager

Kim Trott
Senior Sales Manager

Brynn Brezovsky
Client Support