Apica Systems | Synthetic Monitoring 101 | TechWell

Synthetic Monitoring 101

Performance monitoring of websites and applications is a challenging but critical task. It’s necessary to help ensure a positive end-user experience, and to help companies gain and retain loyal customers.

According to Apica’s 2017 Consumer Expectations survey, 60 percent of consumers indicated they’d be less loyal to brands after poor website and app performance, and more than three-quarters of respondents said they expect sites and apps to perform faster than three years ago. To avoid “digital desertion,” brands are turning to the experts when it comes to forming formidable monitoring strategies.

In this guide, Apica Systems can help you understand how synthetic monitoring can add value. Explore strategies for how to start, synthetic monitoring and the development lifecycle, alert ownership and resolution, documenting checks, the benefits of geographically dispersed monitoring, and other specific best practices surrounding synthetic monitoring.

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