action-based testing | TechWell

action-based testing

Action-based test design checklist Leverage Your Actions to Get More Out of Test Automation

Test design can contribute greatly to how manageable and maintainable your automation is. Hiding detailed steps in actions makes their automation easier to maintain, and the high-level actions can be leveraged to define less common tests. Here's how you can write tests as a sequence of actions to improve coverage.

Hans Buwalda's picture
Hans Buwalda
Five Misconceptions about Test Automation

Hans Buwalda describes five of what he refers to as misconceptions about test automation.

Hans Buwalda's picture
Hans Buwalda
Designing Data-Driven Tests with Keywords for Automation Success

When automated tests are well-organized and written with the necessary detail, they can be very efficient and maintainable. But designing automated tests that deal with data can be particularly challenging. Tests need certain base data to be available and in a predictable state when they run.

Hans Buwalda's picture
Hans Buwalda
Test Design for Automation: Anti-Patterns

Just like with design patterns, anti-patterns can benefit from a short and catchy name to make them easy to remember and talk about. Hans Buwalda shares a list of typical situations seen in tests that can harm automation and names for them.

Hans Buwalda's picture
Hans Buwalda