agile methods | TechWell

agile methods

Why Retrospectives Are Important in Agile Software Development

Periodically reviewing how things went—and looking for ways to improve—is an essential part of agile software development. Retrospectives are one way to do this, but it’s important to understand that there is a difference between a structured retrospective and “just talking about what happened.”

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk
Why Rituals Are Important for Agile Teams

A ritual—something that is part of all cultures—can foster community in a team and reduce the time and energy we spend making decisions on how we work. The challenge is to keep the rituals that are still useful, not fall into habit, and balance the value of rituals with agile values.

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk
Why Is Scrum So Popular?

Joe Townsend tries to find out why Scrum is mentioned more by developers than any other form of agile development methodology. What’s so special about Scrum that makes it the people’s obvious choice?

Joe Townsend's picture
Joe Townsend
What the Boeing Dreamliner 787 Team Can Learn from Agile Methods

The Boeing 787 Dreamliner’s grounding issue is currently the talk of the town. Venkatesh Krishnamurthy lists the issues surrounding Boeing's airplane problems and how agile methods could have benefited the company's development team.

Venkatesh Krishnamurthy's picture
Venkatesh Krish...
How Agile Is Akin to Improvisational Theater

Kent McDonald explores the idea that using an agile methodology is akin to improvisational theater. Like every metaphor for agile, improv theater does fail in some points, but it can be helpful when viewed from the perspective of collaboration.

Kent J. McDonald's picture
Kent J. McDonald
Estimation on an Agile Software Project

Estimation is hard work, and people aren’t naturally good at estimation. But without an estimate, it’s hard to know how far off you’re likely to be. Estimates in the context of an agile project can help you better set expectations and improve stakeholder’s confidence in when you can deliver.

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk
How to Avoid Poorly Conducted Sprint Retrospectives

The sprint retrospective is an important ceremony in Scrum. Of course, it’s bad if you don’t perform retrospectives at all. However, more often than not, it is not the retrospective itself, but rather a poorly conducted retrospective that results in an ineffective, stale, and meaningless effort.

Mukesh Chaudhary's picture
Mukesh Chaudhary
The Failures and Successes of Agile Development

Exploring the main drivers behind using agile software development methodology, Joe Townsend writes of both the failures and successes that detractors and proponents of agile have faced.

Joe Townsend's picture
Joe Townsend