automation | TechWell


Pile of documents in an inbox From Documentation to Automation

A defined, repeatable process frees people from spending energy thinking about solved problems, and an automated one makes this even easier. While not all development steps can be easily automated, some can, and documentation is an essential first step. Automate what makes sense and you'll have reliable processes.

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk
Colorful gears automating processes Continuous Automation, from Source Code to Production

Automation is necessary to achieve the benefits of DevOps principles, so teams may use automation at every step of software development. Depending on how frequently and confidently a team deploys code, they can use automation to enable continuous integration, continuous delivery, and, finally, continuous deployment.

Deepak Vohra's picture
Deepak Vohra
Long-exposure shot of cars racing along a highway DevOps Isn’t Just about Releasing Faster

When organizations start moving to DevOps, one of the first things they focus on is automation. It makes sense: Automated deployment tools are easy to explain, and implementing them usually shows value right away. But speed isn’t the only (or even the best) reason to move to DevOps and an automated release pipeline.

Gene Gotimer's picture
Gene Gotimer
crystal ball Predictive Analytics to Give Quality Engineering a Facelift

Test automation is only as smart as we design it to be, but automation combined with artificial intelligence and machine learning is what can enable predictive analytics to produce smart outcomes—and that is the facelift quality engineering will soon receive.

Mukesh Sharma's picture
Mukesh Sharma
Robot manager standing over a person Automated Executives: Software Moves into People Management

Some tech companies have created their own automated managers—software that can handle administrative and workflow processes typically presided over by humans, but in a fraction of the time. With so many typical management tasks able to be automated, are bosses going to land on the endangered species list? Not so fast.

Beth Romanik's picture
Beth Romanik
Pipelines, photo by Bernard Hermant Testing Your DevOps Is Just as Important as Testing Your Software

Many DevOps engineers fail to test their automation code in the same way they test the software they deploy. It's crucial for software to have tests, and this should apply to infrastructure-as-code software too, if we plan to change and improve this code with no worries about breaking automation in our DevOps pipeline.

Alan Crouch's picture
Alan Crouch
When Is the Right Time to Transition to Agile?

There are numerous benefits that organizations may reap from an agile environment. The path to achieving these advantages will have some challenges, but there's nothing that can't be overcome with a little planning and answering the question: When is the right time to transition to agile?

Sanjay Zalavadia's picture
Sanjay Zalavadia
DevOps or NoOps: Can You Have Too Much Automation?

Some DevOps thought leaders have been promoting “NoOps,” which is the notion that IT resources can be provisioned in a fully automated way that does not require operations engineers to manage. There have been notable successes with this approach, but also some challenges. Can you have too much automation?

Bob Aiello's picture
Bob Aiello