team management | TechWell

team management

The Two-Pizza Rule and Other Reasons Why Small Teams Are Better

Great software products are built by teams, not by individuals, even though the team size may vary. Anuj Magazine looks at the Two-Pizza Rule, coined by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, and whether a large or small team size is ideal for optimal software delivery.

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Anuj Magazine
When Managing Multiple Teams, Think Networks—Not Hierarchies

The more complex your program, the harder it is to communicate. But contrary to some management styles, the larger your program, the less you want a hierarchy. It's better to assemble networks of people equally responsible for their problems. Read on for tips on how to organize for multiple teams.

Johanna Rothman's picture
Johanna Rothman
Supporting Creativity for Real Business Results

For Aspenware, supporting creativity is not only tied to real business results; it is also an important employee benefit, aiming to create an entrepreneurial environment that attracts the best local talent.

Laura Brandenburg's picture
Laura Brandenburg