vulnerability testing | TechWell

vulnerability testing

Closeup photo of laptop computer lit up at night The Value of Security Testing in QA

For many organizations, traditional testing groups are separated from the IT security group. But having traditional testers perform some security testing efforts is a great way of achieving a balanced approach to shifting left while being mindful of staffing and budgetary challenges. It also has some great advantages.

Alan Crouch's picture
Alan Crouch
Skull and crossbones shown on a computer screen Protect Your Software through Threat Modeling

Many software organizations are overwhelmed with a laundry list of vulnerabilities. They often have no idea where to start, how to determine prioritization, and whether or not those vulnerabilities accurately represent the threats to our applications, users, and data. Threat modeling is a simple yet effective solution.

Alan Crouch's picture
Alan Crouch
Icon of a security padlock over apps on a phone Measuring the Effectiveness of Your Vulnerability Discovery Strategies

Trying to prove an app has no vulnerabilities is fraught with challenges, so teams need to choose appropriate strategies for securing apps and ways of measuring whether the time and money spent searching for vulnerabilities is effective. This means understanding how metrics apply to your specific environment.

Mike Shema's picture
Mike Shema