requirements management | TechWell

requirements management

Why Do We Continue to Fail at Requirements Management?

Joe Townsend examines why software professionals continue to fail at requirements management (RM). Some of the ways to address RM issues include using the right RM tools, proper requirements prioritization, and requirements churn.

Joe Townsend's picture
Joe Townsend
How to Write Good Software Requirements

Even in 2013 software professionals are still having difficulties getting good software requirements. Joe Townsend lists several handy resources on how to finally start writing quality software requirements.

Joe Townsend's picture
Joe Townsend
How to Make Products People Love

Scott Sehlhorst explores how to make products people love and focuses on Marty Cagan's ten tips presentation at MindTheProduct 2012, London's first conference for product teams. Key points include product discovery, not building what customers want, and building what customers need.

Scott Sehlhorst's picture
Scott Sehlhorst
Be Careful: The Internet Is Real Life, Too

It's undeniable that we experience the offline and the online worlds in drastically different ways. Perhaps this difference is what leads us to feel as though the online and offline worlds are two separate things. This digital dualism leads many to think that anything that happens online is trivial.

Rick Scott's picture
Rick Scott
Being a Warrior of Ideas and Improvement Takes Courage

We are warriors of ideas and warriors of improvement. If we demand greatness of ourselves, our teammates, and our organizations, we are warriors in the best sense—warriors who bring ideas to life and positive change to our organizations. Being a warrior takes courage to act and push through.

Laura Brandenburg's picture
Laura Brandenburg
How to Help Project Stakeholders Avoid the Aspirin

When we first speak to project stakeholders, they talk about all of the problematic symptoms—as this is the day-to-day pain that they feel. Developing requirements and solutions around these symptoms might be the equivalent of taking aspirin because the root cause will still be there.

Adrian Reed's picture
Adrian Reed
Playing the Critical Friend through Enterprise Analysis

Enterprise analysis focuses on achieving a solid understanding of the problem or opportunity and the business and customer value that the organization hopes to achieve. An important part of enterprise analysis is acting as a critical friend when stakeholders can't see beyond the silver packaging.

Adrian Reed's picture
Adrian Reed
Are SMART Goals Smart Enough?

A common way of approaching business and project goal setting is to use the SMART technique (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bounded), but is it smart enough? Adrian Reed explores a personal goal setting technique, PECSAW, to attempt to answer that question.

Adrian Reed's picture
Adrian Reed