data models | TechWell

data models

Test engineers analyzing data models Designing Data Models for Self-Documented Tests

When testing applications, documenting and interpreting test results can be a challenge. Data models enable us to collect and process test data more dynamically and uniformly. To design effective data models for self-documented tests, there are three important things to consider: what to document, collect, and report.

Mimi Balcom Meng's picture
Mimi Balcom Meng
New Software Helps Scientists Identify Animal Sounds

Thanks to software, scientists now have the ability to record massive amounts of audio samples from ecologically diverse areas and use technology to help in the species-identification process—a labor-intensive task, given the difficulty in deciphering the sounds in many hours of recordings.

Jonathan Vanian's picture
Jonathan Vanian
The Latest in Military Software Development

In this story on the latest in military software development, it's been reported that due to software complexity the cost of the much-anticipated F-35 Joint Strike Fighter has ballooned since the project's inception. Additionally, software used in the Afghanistan War is being updated for US police.

Jonathan Vanian's picture
Jonathan Vanian
Business Analysts—Don't Hide from the Data Model

Among business analysts, there is often a real reluctance to model data as it is seen as a technical activity rather than a business-focused activity. Adrian Reed explains why data models are important, and how they can help map out and understand the problem domain to avoid misunderstandings.

Adrian Reed's picture
Adrian Reed