DevOps eGuide | TechWell

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DevOps, that critical intersection between development and operations, has moved into the spotlight of late. While developers and IT professionals have been coexisting for decades, DevOps as a formally recognized practice is relatively new and the inventory of reliable resources exploring how to innervate this movement is still rather sparse. This eGuide provides information you need both to start the DevOps conversation in your organization and to continue the momentum as the industry learns to navigate and strengthen the relationship between the development and IT groups.

In this eGuide, we explore hot topics and best practices in the DevOps space, including:

  • Overcome DevOps Adoption Barriers to Accelerate Software Delivery
  • Eight Mistakes that Prevent DevOps Success
  • How Agile Teams Use DevOps for Deployment
  • The Operations Point of View in DevOps
  • and more....  



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