continuous integration | TechWell

continuous integration

Flowing Water Using Pipelines for CI/CD

Continuous integration and continuous deployment have become very important in the daily workflow of building a product to production. We take a look at the stages necessary to have a well-functioning CI/CD pipeline.

John Agbanusi's picture
John Agbanusi
Balancing Testing and Delivery Times in Software Development

So how can developers and their teams optimize testing procedures with the modern tools and tech available to them? Here, we will explore optimizing testing through experimentation to meet delivery deadlines and adapt to challenges in software development.


Beau  Peters 's picture
Beau Peters
Test, Test, Test

Test, test, test. This is a phrase that has caught everyone’s attention this year as we grapple to mitigate COVID-19. The WHO states that testing is the only way out, as we cannot fight the pandemic blindfolded.

Mukesh Sharma's picture
Mukesh Sharma
Software engineer looking at her computer monitors and integrating code Code Integration: When Moving Slowly Actually Has More Risk

Many decisions about code branching models are made in the name of managing risk, and teams sometimes pick models that make integration harder in the name of safety. Moving slowly and placing barriers to change can seem safer, but agile teams work best when they acknowledge that there is also risk in deferring change.

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk
Looking at code through eyeglasses Fearless Refactoring, Not Reckless Refactoring

Fearless refactoring is the agile concept that a developer should be able to incrementally change code without worrying about breaking it. But it's not believing that you don't need a safety net to detect and correct defects quickly when changes are made—that's just reckless. Here's how to avoid reckless refactoring.

Jeffery Payne's picture
Jeffery Payne
Repeating geometric pattern Achieve Repeatable Builds with Continuous Integration

Continuous integration is essential to provide the feedback needed to keep a team’s code agile. One crucial aspect to a successful CI process is a repeatable build. There are two parts to maintaining a repeatable build: the idioms and practices to define it, and the feedback cycle to maintain it. Here's what you need.

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk
Colorful gears automating processes Continuous Automation, from Source Code to Production

Automation is necessary to achieve the benefits of DevOps principles, so teams may use automation at every step of software development. Depending on how frequently and confidently a team deploys code, they can use automation to enable continuous integration, continuous delivery, and, finally, continuous deployment.

Deepak Vohra's picture
Deepak Vohra
Infinity sign made with a sparkler Key Enablers for Continuous Testing

Continuous testing means testing before, during, and after each software change is made. Testers have long advocated for this, but DevOps has made it more popular by pushing for rapid feedback and shifting testing left in the lifecycle. Here are three practices your company should embrace to enable continuous testing.

Max Saperstone's picture
Max Saperstone