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shift left

Cursor about to click the word "Security" Shifting Security Left: The Innovation of DevSecOps

The more established a product is when it is first audited for security, the harder it will be to find the time to fix problems and to refactor the software. DevSecOps was created to get application security practices into the development process as early as possible, so we can use them from the beginning of a project.

Tom Stiehm's picture
Tom Stiehm
Left arrow painted on a wall 5 Ways to Shift Performance Testing Left

Performance testing is often a barrier to accelerating software delivery. Because you need a production-like environment, performance testing often waits until the entire application is complete. But you shouldn't wait until then to get started. You can begin testing earlier to reduce rework and address issues sooner.

Jeffery Payne's picture
Jeffery Payne
Closeup photo of laptop computer lit up at night The Value of Security Testing in QA

For many organizations, traditional testing groups are separated from the IT security group. But having traditional testers perform some security testing efforts is a great way of achieving a balanced approach to shifting left while being mindful of staffing and budgetary challenges. It also has some great advantages.

Alan Crouch's picture
Alan Crouch
Tester at a computer What Is Continuous Testing All About?

Continuous testing started when DevOps got hot as organizations began trying to figure out how to make everything in the software delivery process more continuous and testers felt they were being left out of the DevOps movement. If you want to get started with continuous testing, here are three things you should know.

Jeffery Payne's picture
Jeffery Payne
People applauding near a medal saying "2018" Top 10 TechWell Insights Stories of 2018

Many teams are embracing new practices, and several of last year's most-read stories reflect that, with topics such as AI, DevOps, and continuous testing. But it looks like lots of teams also want to get back to basics, because guides to tried-and-true agile and testing methods also ranked high. Check out the roundup.

Beth Romanik's picture
Beth Romanik
Docker logo How Testers Can Use Docker to Shift Left and Automate Deployments

Docker has several advantages over virtual machines: It’s easier to deal with, starts up faster, and requires fewer resources. Using Docker also can give testers more confidence in their releases. Developers use the same environment that will be used in production, which streamlines code delivery and shifts QA left.

Artem Golubev's picture
Artem Golubev
Pipelines Embedding Performance Engineering into Continuous Integration and Delivery

In the world of continuous integration and continuous delivery, the importance of ensuring good performance has increased immensely. While functional and unit testing are relatively easier to integrate into these processes, performance engineering has typically raised more challenges. Here's how you can mitigate them.

Anjeneya Dubey's picture
Anjeneya Dubey
people holding hands Testers, It’s Time to Become Best Friends with Your Developers

If you want to create software in the modern era and maximize the skills of your entire team, you can’t do things the way they’ve always been done. And going back to the late-stage testing example, you just can’t do things the traditional way anymore.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin