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STEM Girl Scout Cookie Sales Help Fund STEM Badges, Including Cybersecurity and Programming

It's officially Girl Scout cookie season, and that means you’re doing a good thing when you buy those boxes of cookies. The Girl Scouts offer science- and technology-related badges and journeys to introduce girls to computer science, robotics, mechanical engineering, space exploration, and cybersecurity.

Pamela Rentz's picture
Pamela Rentz
kids dance party 2018 Hour of Code: Let’s Dance

What kid doesn’t love a dance party? With aliens and sharks that drop, double down, and dab? Introduce kids to the basics of computer science in a way that doesn’t elicit “I’m boooored” with Dance Party, the draw for the 2018 Hour of Code. Do a little dance, make a little code!

Pamela Rentz's picture
Pamela Rentz
girls in STEM Yes, She Can STEM—and More

Many girls begin losing interest in STEM subjects as early as middle school, and this path continues. #SheCanSTEM is a new public service media campaign that hopes to encourage middle school girls to ultimately pursue STEM careers by challenging stereotypes and showcasing female STEM role models. 

Pamela Rentz's picture
Pamela Rentz
What about STEM to STEAM?

If you have kids in school anywhere from pre-kindergarten through grade twelve, by now you’re probably very familiar with STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math). STEAM advocates adding “Art + Design” to the equation, thus transforming STEM into STEAM.

Pamela Rentz's picture
Pamela Rentz
Anna and Elsa Join the Hour of Code 2014

Last year, launched the Hour of Code to introduce simple coding concepts to school-age children. The second annual Hour of Code is almost here, and this year’s tutorial features some serious girl power, starring the Disney Infinity versions of Anna and Elsa from Disney’s movie “Frozen.”

Pamela Rentz's picture
Pamela Rentz