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man jumping over hole in bridge How Agile Bridges the Major Gaps between Development and Testing

Agile, by its very nature, is about collaboration. The developers work alongside the testers, the testers see eye-to-eye (at least in most cases) with the developers, and there’s just a more flexible nature to the team itself. It is meant to bridge the major gaps within teams.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
password 123456 on sticky note Are Your Passwords on This List?

Some things never change and, unfortunately, picking bad passwords that put you at risk of identity theft seems to be among them. The 2016 Worst Passwords List has been released by SplashData, the password management company that releases the annual list of the worst of the worst passwords.

Pamela Rentz's picture
Pamela Rentz
Excellent customer satisfaction What Not to Do if You Want Satisfied Customers

You may think that overperforming would ingratiate you to your customers. But customers don't always want you to go above and beyond—often, they just want what they asked for. Don't fall for this common misconception. The trick to customer satisfaction is delivering just what they want—and good communication.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Transparency Transparency Could Transform Your Company

Transparency is a core Scrum value because it ensures everyone involved on a project has a common understanding of goals, progress, and deliverables. But what about extending transparency to the whole company, sharing revenue and client-related numbers, strategic product plans, and even individual salaries?

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk
Watson helping with taxes at H&R Block IBM’s Watson Will Help You File Your Taxes at H&R Block

Customers at H&R Block will be able to get tax advice from IBM’s famous supercomputer, Watson. Watson has been fed all 74,000 pages of the US tax code and will use its natural language processing to interact with clients in order to answer questions, uncover deductions and credits, and help calculate refunds.

Beth Romanik's picture
Beth Romanik
Delivering Successful Software Requires You to Fail Faster

The concept of failing has changed from something people dread to a necessary part of creating secure, functioning applications. That means that you don’t want to have one major failure at the very end of the development lifecycle—you need to continue to fail before release to find real success.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin