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Thanks to HTML5, Pure Native Apps Don’t Exist

Just about every native app developed today includes some HTML, even if its creators are labeling it otherwise. It’s a pervasive language that’s made it hard to crown native apps as the clear winner. In reality, pure native apps are a dying breed.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
Learning to Love the Source

Even though we at SQE/TechWell pride ourselves on giving developers, testers, and other software professionals valuable resources for their industry, not all of us have a technical background. Here, a marketing employee describes her first brush with coding and how she came to respect programming.

Kelly McGee's picture
Kelly McGee
Survey Results Say: Don't Catch This Tech Phrase

There has been a strong push for teaching programming and computer skills to American students. Those in favor of teaching programming in schools may have more support for their objective after a recent survey about tech terms revealed respondents had some alarming—and funny—gaps in knowledge.

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture
Cameron Philipp...
The New Foreign Language: Computer Programming?

Spanish or JavaScript? This is a question public school students in the US could be asking themselves as they choose their future courses. In several states, government officials are pushing to have programming languages count for a student's foreign language requirements.

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture
Cameron Philipp...
HTML5: Making Moves in Mobile Markets

In the US and Europe, Android and Apple’s iOS dominate the markets for mobile web app development. However, other markets in the world—where HTML5 is playing a significant role in mobile development—tell a different story. Read on to see how HTML5 edges out iOS and gives Android cause for concern.

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture
Cameron Philipp...
Tackle Mobile Upfront with Responsive Web Design

With the number of mobile devices expected to exceed the world's population this year, we can't ignore the trend. Incorporating responsive web design principles into your application will ensure that making your application mobile-friendly is a much easier undertaking.

Jacob  Orshalick 's picture
Jacob Orshalick
What New Programming Languages Should You Learn This Year?

Regardless of whether your New Year’s resolution is going strong or you’ve ditched it for something else, it's never too late to learn new skills. With a new year should come a new dedication to learning programming languages. Read on to see what programming language you should learn in 2014.

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture
Cameron Philipp...
Google to Launch Free HTML5 Web Development Tool

Google is preparing to launch an HTML5 development tool called Google Web Designer. The company says the new service will let creative professionals “create cutting-edge advertising as well as engaging web content like sites and applications—for free.” Would you use it for web design?

Beth Romanik's picture
Beth Romanik