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Lessons from an Elementary School Talent Show

Life lessons can be found everywhere if you look for them.

Payson Hall's picture
Wrangling API Security Amid Rapid Growth Wrangling API Security Amid Rapid Growth

APIs are an open attack vector for an organization's network and data. Here are some best practices to secure APIs and test them more thoroughly.

Ross Moore's picture
How to Achieve More Predictable Software Delivery Outcomes How to Achieve More Predictable Software Delivery Outcomes

By cultivating predictability within the engineering team and using data to set expectations across the organization, engineering managers can establish themselves as leaders and play a bigger role in strategic decision-making.

Jeremy Freeman's picture
Securing Software Deployments: Understanding Your Attack Surface

As organizations embrace new technologies to modernize their business processes, they increase their attack surface. Since it is easier to protect a small attack surface, organizations should strive to minimize it to reduce the risk of a successful cyberattack.

Gilad David Maayan's picture
telescope Java 20 Brings Scoped Values to Core-Libs

Each new version of Java brings new features for its different components: specification/language, core libs, and the JVM. In this article, we will explore the scoped values feature in the core-libs component.

Deepak Vohra's picture
How Large Is this Project? How “Large” Is This Project?

When organizations want to step up their project management game and implement more rigorous project management practices, there is always fear that the administrative overhead will exceed the value gained.

Payson Hall's picture
A Dozen Commitments for Your Project Sponsor A Dozen Commitments for Your Project Sponsor

A project’s sponsors are the senior managers who want the project completed and control the project’s budget and schedule. Effective sponsors support the project manager to get the job done.

Payson Hall's picture
Resource Groups in MySQL 8 Resource Groups in MySQL 8

Resource Groups, a new feature in MySQL 8 for resource management, are used to define a group for a certain type of threads, and to allocate the resources that threads in a particular group may consume. This results in prioritizing the different groups of threads.

Deepak Vohra's picture